here comes my pictures from sweden
my farming pictures
Nice weather up there in sweden!
These pictures was from last year;) this year it's falling to mutch rain:( wery wet:( it's a swedish summer;)
No snow and elk? The Fotos are very nice! It is interesting to see the typical swedish houses there!;)
Youre pictures with swedish impressions and the mashines in there moved me very much - thank you for that!!
Hola, que tal ?
...oh no wrong language.
Nice pictures from nothern europe. :p
Can you/anybody translate the sign from the Deutz ? I think it is anything against Massey Ferguson, but what does it mean ?
- Offizieller Beitrag
Bin der Sprache nicht mächtig aber würde es als "pro" MF deuten
Hallo:) we in Sweden likes to jokes:) the tractor that the manny farmers buy in Sweden is Valtra and John deere;) Butt I LOVE FIAT 90-90dt;)
Ahh Google Übersetzer sagt "Echte Männer fahren nicht Massey Ferguson"
Find ich gut.
Aber Deutz fahren sie doch auch nicht :p
______________________________________________________________If you use google to translate this, it says :"Real men do not drive Massey Ferguson"
I agree.
But I think they even do not drive Deutz Fahr. :p
Here comes more pictures from last year:-D
the valtra is not my tractor:) -
here comes some new pictures from last autum8-)
here comes some new pictures
comments are OK
Das ist mal ein vernünftiger Schlepper,der ist rot und kommt aus Frankreich.Mein Nachbar hat einen 8480 den fahre ich auch gerne!
Aa Massey Ferguson 8470 in Skärstad Sweden
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