When I was at Henry Selten last week for some stuff to pick up, there is of course the necessary discussed about model construction .... we then came on the subject low loader and his new building kit to the Dangreville lowloader.
Henry has a large version with 2 x 3 axles and the long Dangreville overhang on it! I would of course something else and in this case not bigger but rather a bit smaller. I was immediately thinking of the smaller but more frequent seen 2 x 2 asser!
This is not as difficult.. matter of sawing an axle off it. Now I wanted to also get rid of the long overhang and that is just more difficult. So i saw the back and off and maked a small overhang. The necessary seams are made invisible and many details have been added .... the wooden floorboards are replaced for tear sheet metal parts and a checker plate tool chest which can open and equipped with boxes is added! Furthermore, the model with the necessary traces of use and weathering!
Goldhofer semi flatbed trailer
Jetzt mitmachen!
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