Wel here is finaly my MF 8480.
Bought the kit in 2011 From MFDingo ,and all the time didnt know how to build it that i where satisfyed.
In January i started wiht the build of the 8480 and tryed different things.
I had quit some time brainstormed and sleepless nights before ive got the idea to build it this way.
The chassis is from a Renault from UH.
Cab/platform front axle stairs back rims are from the UH 7499 and the front ones are from a 8690 from UH.
I modifyed the rear fenders and of the 7499 platform.
The rims are made widder with a part of the Siku Valtra T and also the tyers are form tha Valtra.
That is a litle bit of how i build the model in a nut shell! https://www.agrarmodellbau.de/images/smilies/emojione/1f61b.png" class="smiley":Phttps://https://www.agrarmodellbau.de/images/smilies…ne/1f61b@2x.png 2x">
Here are some photo's
Kind Regards Johny
Massey-Ferguson 8480 DynaVT
The front hitch is from Marien van Breugel and the backt hitch /lift is from PMA.
http://www.mijnalbum.nl/Foto-8NBSV7XC-DGruß Johny
- Offizieller Beitrag
Wow, looks very good.
Yes, nice... i like.
I love this model - very great work !
I still have these kits from MFdingo here, too.
What Renault chassis did you use ? I plan with an axion chassis.
Toller MF.
Hi, well done! Great MF tractor. All the parts in combination look great. Please show us more of your talent.
Zitat von fendtpower939;378038
Yes, nice... i like.
dem schließe ich mich an..
Thank you, Johny - good to know an alternative
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