Hello.First i apologize but i dont speak (write)german.
I signed up yesterday but unfortunately today i sat with jaws on the floor by viewing photos on th forum. I, m very impressed.
I built a simple shed for my 3 years old son. It isnt detailed model but its functionaly for a play.
I'm looking for a thread about row crop tires
My simple shed
I think for a 3 years old son you can`t create a shed with so many details. I like this shed my first shed i built was the ssame practable and undestroyable. Sorry for my english i hate it.
great idea and a good work. The openable roof is very good feature for small hands. I'm sure your son will be lucky about his sheed. And in a few years you can build more things together with him. That's how I did it with my daughters.
Thank You
Thank You for Your kind words.When i was little i dreamed of such toys. I can now implement and instill in my son. He really likes to play with me in picking corn ;).
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