This afternoon i have put the Ertl 1:50 harvester cran on the black Valtra N 142.
I think this will be a very rare conversion that you will not see in this scale very often...
Picture's tell more then words...
This afternoon i have put the Ertl 1:50 harvester cran on the black Valtra N 142.
I think this will be a very rare conversion that you will not see in this scale very often...
Picture's tell more then words...
Eine schöne und nicht alltägliche Idee.
Bin mal auf das Endergeniss gespannt.
das ist wirklich eine tolle Kombination und macht jetzt schon einiges her!
I have been busy tonight with the support legs for the crane.
Now he has some stability....
Also made the crashbar over the cab.
See the foto's for details....
Wow, it's a nice conversation! Go on and show us the pictures please!
I will do so, Christoph...:D
Sieht echt Klasse aus.
Clevere Idee mit denn Stüzfüßen ,hast du die selber gebaut ,wenn ja dann hut ab.
und ein echt toller Valtra .
Also der sieht nicht schlecht aus. Aber ich würde das John Deere Logo ersetzen, z.B. durch ein Kesla oder so. Weil soweit ich weiß, stellt John Deere keine Anbaukräne her, oder doch? Aber das MOdell ist auch so schon sehr gut
Thanks for the reply's,
The model is not finished yet and so the crane will be from another manufacturer than John Deere.
Kesla is a very good option indeed...
The support legs are not homemade but conversed and they are from the Manitou MRt from ROS.
A small update before the model is finisched. Have painted the model and added the last details.
Now i only need the stickers for the crane and it is ready for harvesting some wood...
that model looks really great.
I'm looking forward to some pictures of the machine when it's working in the woods.
Ja ich muss auch sagen echt klasse geworden!
ich finde besonders die stützfüße beeindruckend
I think you are a very good modell builder
It´s a very good and nice modell
You did a great job, really perfect!
Thanks everybody, for the good reply's.
tomorrow i will go to Henry Selten and make me some stickers for the Vredo and the 2 Valtra machine's.
So when it is some sunny weather i will make some nice outside picture's of all 3 the machine's!!!
This model is also finished.
The crane is now a Kesla 671H
Ich finde es bisher sehr gelungen, freue mich über neue Updates...
Sieht echt Klasse aus in dem Endzustand.
Action picture's
Today i've made some action footage in the woods....
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